As a kid, I grew terrified of a monster inside my closet.

Roasting in fear beneath the sheets, I left a small opening for my mouth to breath out from.

One night, a thought popped into my head: “What if I yell at the monster?”

After summoning enough courage to throw back the covers, I screamed at the closet. I must have sounded like a total savage and looked ridiculous, but it was one of the most empowering moments of my life. 

From then on I slept better. No longer having to hide underneath my sheets riddled with anxiety, for I was a force to be reckoned with. 

Now, as an adult, the monster I face is far more subtle. Far more believable. Voices, I believe to be own, whispering into the deepest parts of my soul, attacking my very own identity.

They say things like, “Who do you think you are to [fill in the blank]?”

One of my favorite quotes from cinematic history is, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” 

I stand up to anyone who bullies my friend: “Oh HECK NO! Don’t you dare mess with my girl. She’s awesome.”

See, that’s easy for me.

But when it comes to the big ole bully in my head, it’s a little trickier. 

I think that’s because the devil likes to disguise his voice as our own. 

We are designed with beauty and purpose, created to operate from a place of love, not fear. We have unique talents to bless the world with, but when fear chews us out, we hold back.

We hold back on our dreams. 

On love. 

On life.

Once I remembered yelling at the monster in my closet, I decided to scare off the monster inside my head. 

Now, whenever I bump into a negative thought I respond with, “Don’t you dare mess with my Manders. I will beat you to a pulp. You don’t belong here [expletive]!”

And boy, do I feel empowered!

How are you scaring off the monsters in your life?

Take Care,


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