I recently bought a bra from Aerie with this exact phrase written on the straps and it has completely revolutionized the way I tackle new challenges.
I recently bought a bra from Aerie with this exact phrase written on the straps and it has completely revolutionized the way I tackle new challenges.
Years ago, my pal Joanna invited me to go swing dancing with a group of Texan friends and I. Did. Not. Want. To. Go. Super resistant to the invitation, I never liked the idea of being in close proximity with strange men and I wasn’t too keen about dancing in a public space at the time either.
One of the Texan guys asked me, “Do you know how I know you’re from Oregon?”
Me: “How?”
Him: “Because when I took a step towards you you took a step back?”
I hated hearing this, but it rang true.
I was scared to dance.
Ever since my last back surgery I knew I wanted a life full of adventure. A life well-lived and worth reading about.
This is why I continue to push myself to get a little uncomfortable.
Because if I shy away from new experiences and challenges what I am ultimately saying is that I don’t desire growth, acquiring new skills, or that I’m resistant to allowing my own unique story to unfold. What I’m saying is that I’d rather remain stagnant.
When I think about new challenges and my fears attached to those challenges in these terms my mind is blown and I am far more eager to take a step forward rather than backwards.
To be FUN and FEARLESS means to let go of perfectionism. To laugh at the clumsy-figuring-it-out stage of our growth. To think and speak positively about ourselves and our abilities. Instead of saying “I’m scared” we can say, “I’ve never done this before, but I’ll figure it out! Know why?! Because I’m brilliant and capable.”
It is my resistance to a new challenge that causes stress rather than the actual challenge itself. When I let go of that resistance I give myself freedom, peace, and grace.
So whatever new challenges await you. Take a step forward. Be FUN and FEARLESS.
Take Care,
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