“I don’t want to waste your time,” I told him. “I want to give this a shot, even if it means long distance.”

A few weeks prior to this conversation, Alaska Airlines hired me on as a Flight Attendant. While sitting at my gate in San Francisco, waiting to fly back to Oregon, I got a sense that I could start dating…

…like NOW. 

Um, what? I desired a relationship years before this moment, so why was now a good time?

Now seemed like a HORRIBLE time.

First off, I was about to endure 6 weeks of intensive FA training in Seattle and shortly thereafter be transferred as far as Anchorage or San Diego.

I didn’t know what the future held, so NOW was definitely not the time to start dating.

In between getting hired and waiting to start FA training I reconnected with some college buddies and started liking one of my guy friends.

Cody Layton. 

Now, let me rephrase that, I REALLY liked Cody. He was kind, smart, talented, kept up with my wit, and made me feel safe.

And I could tell he liked me too.  

While awkward, I knew we needed to discuss the elephant in the room… me becoming a Flight Attendant. 

After admitting our feelings to each other we met up to discuss our future.

Even though it seemed wildly unconventional—terrifying, even!—I told him I wasn’t someone who’d waste his time. I’d put the effort in to make this work.

Looking back on this memory makes me smile.

Fear is boring.

Love will take you on far more adventures. 

It takes discipline and a willingness on both parts to nourish it, but it is 100% worth it.

I’m thankful I listened to that nudge in my spirit to start dating. When I trust those nudges, those opportunities to operate from a place of love rather than fear, is when the unfolding journey of my life takes interesting twists and turns and becomes a story worth sharing. One I’m insanely proud of.

Cody, thanks for giving me a shot too.


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