
This was one of my favorite aspects about working on a filmset. 

Propelled by a united vision under the guidance of a director, each member brought forth a unique perspective that only improved the movie. 

One time I piped in and said, “Hey, I know she ad-libbed there, but that was a hilarious line. I think we should keep it in!” 

And guess what?

It stayed in the film. 

It was a collaboration. The actor threw in something off the cuff. I heard it, noted it, and the director listened; all of which enriched the scene. 

The older I get, the better listener I aim to be, knowing my perspective—while it feels right—definitely has its blind spots. 

I seek to fill in those gaps by listening to people unlike me. Different in race, age, gender, abilities, political views, etc. 

At a time when I wanted nothing to do with religion, a friend told me that everyone is created in God’s image. That a little piece of the divine resides within each of us.

By paying attention we can learn something new about God from every single person we meet.

How beautiful is that?

This thought keeps me curious. As a Flight Attendant, it makes me want to look every passenger in the eye and ask: What can I learn from you? What can you teach me about God today?

There is value in every single life. Something sacred and one-of-a-kind in each guest I serve. 

I desire to bring this mindset into my marriage with Cody. Instead of allowing his differences to rub up against me like sandpaper I want to see them as a blessing. That he is giving me a perspective of the world that I do not yet have and is thus strengthening and filling in the blind spots of our team, rounding me out. 

Sure, I’m a decent writer, but by paying attention to those unlike me, embracing collaboration, I’m choosing to craft a far more enriching story with my life.

How are you collaborating with people unlike you?

Take Care, 


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