Tips For Brainstorming Your Dream Career
Hey friends,
I love journaling. Anyone else?
On January 1st the journal opens with: "What do you think your purpose is?"
Get's right to it, doesn't it?
Get's right to it, doesn't it?
While my answers differed over the course of 5 years--movie director to neuropathologist--I always scribbled down "...and I also want to be a writer" at the end.
Interesting right?
It was as if my heart was saying: Here are some cool ideas, but deep down... all I want to do is write.
Back in 2016 I interned at UC Irvine in the neuroscience department while also working part-time at Disneyland.
While I thoroughly enjoyed discussing the brain each week, it wasn't what I saw myself doing long term, especially after reading John Mark Comer's brilliant book Garden City.
While I thoroughly enjoyed discussing the brain each week, it wasn't what I saw myself doing long term, especially after reading John Mark Comer's brilliant book Garden City.
It didn't set my soul on fire. At least, not like writing did.
But I had no idea what to do next.
Everything in me cringed at the thought of making brains my lifetime career, which was bizarre since I love neuroscience and I was good at school, but I was also sick of it too.

I mean, why quit something I was good at and something others expected me to do?

I mean, why quit something I was good at and something others expected me to do?
This is when I sought out the help from my younger brother Andrew.
Drew quit college early and pursued his passion in filmmaking. While everyone thought he was crazy he busted his butt to get where he is now.
At 23, he became a producer of local business commercials and music videos. The dude is not only extremely talented, but has one of the most impressive work ethics I've ever seen.
Drew quit college early and pursued his passion in filmmaking. While everyone thought he was crazy he busted his butt to get where he is now.
At 23, he became a producer of local business commercials and music videos. The dude is not only extremely talented, but has one of the most impressive work ethics I've ever seen.
So, I vented to him via Facebook messenger begging for his opinion.
He quickly wrote back: “That’s good that you’re realizing this now and not half way through Grad School.”
I agreed.
Next he told me to write out a list of all the professions I imagined doing. I didn’t have to know the names, just a few words describing my ideal career.
Next, he instructed me to plan out the steps in order to attain that specific career.
Next, he instructed me to plan out the steps in order to attain that specific career.
After scribbling down countless ideas here were the top three things I desired in a career:
- Writing.
- Traveling.
- Public Speaking.
Not only was this helpful, but it was also incredibly freeing for me too because for the first time in my life I intentionally sat down and brainstormed a vision for my future.
What is your ideal career? You don’t even have to know the title. Just write down a description of your desired career.
Feel free to brainstorm in the comment section below!
Take care,
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